Miscellaneous Configuration
When you evaluate code in Clojure files, the result is displayed in the buffer itself, in an overlay right after the evaluated code. If you want this overlay to be font-locked (syntax-highlighted) like Clojure code, set the following variable.
(setq cider-overlays-use-font-lock t)
You can disable overlays entirely (and display results in the echo-area at the
bottom) with the cider-use-overlays
(setq cider-use-overlays nil)
Minibuffer completion
Out-of-the box CIDER uses the standard completing-read
Emacs mechanism. While
it’s not fancy it certainly gets the job done (just press TAB). There
are, however, ways to improve upon the standard completion if you wish to.
is bundled with Emacs and enhances the default minibuffer completion:
(require 'icomplete)
You can learn more about icomplete
is also bundled with Emacs and offers more features than icomplete
If you are using ido
, be sure to use both ido-everywhere
and ido-completing-read+
You might also want to install ido-flex
ivy (recommended)
If you’re fine with installing a third-party package for enhanced minibuffer completion you can’t go wrong with the modern and versatile ivy.