nREPL Middleware Setup
You can skip this section if you don’t plan to use cider-connect or don’t care
about the advanced functionality that requires cider-nrepl .
Much of CIDER’s functionality depends on its own nREPL
middleware. Starting
with version 0.11, cider-jack-in
(C-c C-x (C-)j (C-)j)
automatically injects this middleware and other dependencies as required.
In the past, if you were setting up CIDER, you might have had to
modify profiles.clj or profile.boot . CIDER now handles
everything automatically and you don’t need to add anything
special to these files. The same is true of your deps.edn file.
If you prefer a standalone REPL, you will need to invoke
instead of cider-jack-in
and manually add the
dependencies to your Clojure project (explained in the following
Setting Up a Standalone REPL
Using Leiningen
Make sure you’re using Leiningen 2.9.0 or newer, as 2.9.0 is the first release to ship with nREPL 0.6. |
Use the convenient plugin for defaults, either in your project’s
file or in the :repl profile in ~/.lein/profiles.clj
:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "x.y.z"]
[mx.cider/enrich-classpath "x.y.z"]]
enrich-classpath is a library (and Leiningen plugin) that, as its main feature, automatically downloads all available .jars
with Java sources and javadocs for a given project, so that various tools (e.g. CIDER) can access it. Simply put - it allows you to navigate to Java sources and
javadocs in your Clojure projects.
enrich-classpath has a bit of a startup cost associated with it, the first time Java sources and javadocs are fetched. It can be turned
off by setting cider-enrich-classpath to nil .
A minimal profiles.clj
for CIDER would be:
{:repl {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.27.2"]
[mx.cider/enrich-classpath "1.5.1"]]}}
Be careful not to place this in the :user profile, as this way CIDER’s
middleware will always get loaded, causing lein to start slower. You really
need it just for lein repl and this is what the :repl profile is for.
Using Boot
Make sure you’re using Boot 2.8.3 or newer, as 2.8.3 is the first release to ship with nREPL 0.6. |
Boot users can configure the tool to include the middleware automatically in
all of their projects using a ~/.boot/profile.boot
file like so:
(require 'boot.repl)
(swap! boot.repl/*default-dependencies*
concat '[[cider/cider-nrepl "0.25.2"]])
(swap! boot.repl/*default-middleware*
conj 'cider.nrepl/cider-middleware)
For more information visit boot-clj wiki.
Using tools.deps
You can add the following aliases to your deps.edn in order to launch
a standalone Clojure(Script) nREPL server with CIDER middleware from
the commandline with something like clj -A:cider-clj
. Then from emacs
run cider-connect
or cider-connect-cljs
:cider-clj {:extra-deps {cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.22.4"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "nrepl.cmdline" "--middleware" "[cider.nrepl/cider-middleware]"]}
:cider-cljs {:extra-deps {org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.339"}
cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.22.4"}
cider/piggieback {:mvn/version "0.5.1"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "nrepl.cmdline" "--middleware"
Using Embedded nREPL Server
If you’re embedding nREPL in your application, you’ll have to start the server with CIDER’s own nREPL handler.
(ns my-app
(:require [nrepl.server :as nrepl-server]
[cider.nrepl :refer (cider-nrepl-handler)]))
(defn -main
(nrepl-server/start-server :port 7888 :handler cider-nrepl-handler))
It goes without saying that your project should depend on cider-nrepl
Prior to CIDER 0.18, CIDER and cider-nrepl were always released together
and their versions had to match for things to work (e.g. CIDER 0.15 required
cider-nrepl 0.15). But as the prominence of cider-nrepl grew and many other
tools started using it, the two projects evolved separately and are no longer in
tight lock-step. Usually, any recent version of cider-nrepl should be (mostly)
compatible with a recent version of CIDER. You can check the required version of
cider-nrepl for your version of CIDER by looking at
cider-required-middleware-version .